Podróż poza czas i materię

R"Lost paradise" Oil on canvas. 110x100 cm
"Lost paradise" Oil on canvas. 110x100cm
rozdział I

"Ścieżka obserwacji"

"Jaguar eyes". Oil on canvas. 100x70cm.
"Misterium" Oil on canvas. 165x165cm
"Misterium" / fragment. Oil on canvas. 165x165cm
"Encountered on the way" Oil on canvas. 100x130cm
"The unsupported supper". Oil on canvas. 120x170cm
painting Rafał Podgórski
"The unsupported supper" / fragment. Oil on canvas. 120x170cm
"Eagle owl". Oil on canvas. 40x60cm.
rozdział II

"Poczucie przeznaczenia"

"The sharpness of green". Oil on canvas. 100x130cm
"The Impression of greenery" Oil on canvas. 100x130cm
"Impressions of greenery" Oil on canvas. 100x130cm
"Impressions of greenery" Oil on canvas. 100x130cm
"A landscape with a hidden meaning." Oil on canvas 130 x 100 cm.
Tree on me small 170x120cm
"The doubtful reflection". Oil on canvas. 170x120cm
Haiku zimowe180x140cm 2022 small2 1
"November red". Oil on canvas. 180x140cm
The temperature of selflove 180 x 140 oil on canvas small
"The temperature of selflove" . Oil on canvas. 180x140cm
The temperature of selflove 180 x 140 oil on canvas fragmentl
The temperature of selflove 180 x 140 oil on canvas fragmentl
In the hope for a better tomorrow 180 x 140 cm oil on canvas
In the hope for a better tomorrow 180 x 140 cm oil on canvas
Rafael Podgorski Polish landscapeaaa
"After a storm in the field" Oil on canvas. 100x70cm
" The cotton forests" Oil on canvas. 100x70cm
"The fragrance of blue" Oil on canvas. 165x165cm
rozdział III

"Droga transformacji"

"The border" Oil on canvas. 130x100cm
"The rabbit hole" Oil on canvas. 150x200cm
"The rabbit hole" Oil on canvas. 150x200cm
"The rabbit hole" / fragment. Oil on canvas. 150x200cm
"The beginning of acceptance" Oil on canvas. 140x180 cm
"The beginning of acceptance" Oil on canvas. 140x180 cm
"The X33" Oil on canvas. 160x135cm
"The interrupted experience" Oil on canvas. 180x140cm
Rafał Podgórski_painting
"The interrupted experience" / fragment. Oil on canvas. 180x140cm
road for innovation new
"The road to acceptance". Oil on canvas. 120x160cm.
rozdział IV

"Alegoria i metafora "

"Cartesian experience". Oil on canvas. 140x180cm
"The shadow of Anima" Oil on canvas. 200x160cm
"The shadow of Anima" Oil on canvas. 200x160cm
"The crown" Oil on canvas. 200x150cm
"Qoudlibet et vanitas morte" Oil on canvas. 125x175cm
"Qoudlibet et vanitas morte" Oil on canvas. 125x175cm
"Qoudlibet et vanitas morte" / Fragment. Oil on canvas. 125x175cm
rozdział V


"Icarus" Mix media on canvas. 200x150cm
"The Eye of the cyclone" Mix media. 165x165 cm
"Transpersonal Nokturn" Mix technique. 165x165cm
"The holy mountain" Oil on canvas. 165x165cm
"The holy mountain" Oil on canvas. 165x165cm
"Ikaria" Mixed technique. Tondo ɸ 150cm
"The horizon event" Mix technique. 35x24 cm
"Polonia" Mix media. 100x130 cm
"Shanghai" Mix media on panel. 50x50cm
"São Paulo" Oil on canvas. 165x165cm
"Rises and falls". Mixed technique. 165x165cm.
Mix technique on canvas. 190x140cm
Mix technique on canvas. 190x140cm
Mix technique on canvas. 35x24 cm
Rozdział VI

"Wyobraźnia koncepcji"

"Point, line, surface" Mix technique on canvas. 50 x 70 cm
"Geometric silence" Acrylic on canvas. 130x100cm
Geometric form No4" Mixed technicue on canvas. 70x50cm
"Fibonacci construction". Acrylic on canvas. 70x100cm
"Impression of turquoise" Mix oils on canvas. Size: 130 x 100 cm.
"International form" Acrylic on canvas. 170x120cm
"Courbusierre geotest". Acrylic on canvas. 120x170cm
"Geometric form No5". Acrylic on canvas 100x130cm
"Geoshadow" Oil on canvas. 70x100cm.
"Geometric form No6" Acrylic on canvas.100x130cm
"Geometric form No3". Oil on canvas. 50x70cm
"Geometric form No1" Drawing on canvas. 70x100cm
"The superunit" Mixed technique on canvas. 70x100cm
"Metadron" Mixed technique.50x70cm.
"Holar system" Mixed technique ɸ=150 cm.
"Tantra". Mix technique on canvas. 50x70cm
"Rosette in Stetin" Mix technique on canvas. 130x100cm
"Rosette in Stetin" Mix technique on canvas. 130x100cm
"Biostructure" Mix technicue on canvas. 130x100cm.
"Digital Sign". Mixed technique on canvas. 50x70cm.
"Lost rosettes" Mix oil technicque on canvas. 50 x 70 cm
"Architectus" Mixed technique. 130x100cm
"Matrix of archeology"
"Matrix of archeology". Mix technique on concrete. Tondo 150cm.
"Doom" Mixed technicue on canvas. 70x50cm.
"The profit and capital" Mixed technique. 200x150cm.
„Blackwood”. Lithography print. 100x70 cm
„Stone wheels 2” Lithography print and glass. 90x60cm
„Stone wheels 2” Lithography print and glass. 90x60cm